Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Chinese Are Stealing Your Jobs....NOT! Well, sort of...

This was originally a FB response edited to fit this format. --HF

By James Fisher

I watched Peter Navarro’s state propaganda video posted here already and would have to spend hours to dismantle it.

The problem with conservatives is that when a left winger like Obama is in office you understand that government economists are really just state propagandist, but when a conservative is in office you guys lap up the exact same state propaganda posted on CSPAN and other state owned media outlets.

The problem is that you’ve never actually studied economics, and therefor have no scientific foundation to judge another economists by.

I would suggest reading Man-Economy and State by Murray Rothbard. This is a layman’s version of Mises treatise on economics “Human Action”.

Your own life has been made bounds wealthier by the Chinese. This bunk about the Chinese stealing our jobs is the same economic argument that robots steal our jobs. For example:

If you lived on an island and had to produce everything you have from food to shelter you would be extremely poor and work constantly. Then one day you found a magic robot that would do everything for you. You would not be mad that you lost your job. You would now be far wealthier. You could do anything you wanted with your time and produce far more goods for yourself.

The same is true if others will produce the things cheaper than you once did.

For those who think that the Chinese, who are producing things cheaper than we can, are stealing all our jobs, try to imagine this:

What if the Chinese tomorrow could start producing all cars for 1/10th the price of Americans?
They are just as good but instead of the average car costing $30,000 new, it was now produced by the Chinese for $3,000, and sold to Americans.

You would argue this is horrible because all Auto jobs would be lost. And yes, those jobs would be lost. But the overall wealth increase outweighs the job loss by far ($27,000 to be exact).

Those workers, who lost jobs, would eventually produce something else, and now our economy has super cheap cars and the something else those workers would have to do. And all Americans that would normally buy a car for $30,000 now buy one for $3,000 and spend $27,000 elsewhere that supports the new jobs that need to be created.

If you can’t see this and still want to argue against it.

Ask yourself, if the Chinese didn’t just make the cars for $3,000 but instead gave us all our cars for free. Would this be good or bad for Americans?

Because if you believe that allowing those who make things cheaper will only steal our jobs, and this is supposedly bad, you must also argue that if another country just sent America all its cars 100% free as gifts, this would make us poorer.

So these Chinese stealing our jobs argument makes you have to also defend the idea that you getting a car for free is bad for you and Americans.

You are basically arguing that if cars magically fell from the sky, this would make us all poorer because then there would be no jobs making cars.

I hope you can see this is nonsense.

But it must start with a knowledge of economics, if you want to avoid all these common state propaganda economic fallacies put forward by those like Peter Navarro.

This post only tackles one of them, you can see why I’m not going to dismantle the rest. Unless someone wants to bring up another.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Americans Called Terrorists by Reid
Senator Harry Reid has done exactly as I predicted the state would do. He is naming people like myself a Terrorist. He has called the heroic Americans that stood up to Federal tyranny, Domestic Terrorists.

The Federal government has literally bankrupted 52 of 53 ranchers in this Nevada area dispute, and they are after the last man standing, who refuses to leave. People flocked to help their fellow American, and the state slaps the label of terrorist on them.

You may think this is no big deal. It's just name calling, and it's like calling someone a Nazi. The problem is that this is far from true. Once they label someone terrorist, a whole new set of unConstitutional laws now apply. They will hold you indefinitely without trial, even murder you, once this label has been applied. Its not accidental that Reid, the one of the most corrupt of all politicians, who is working with the Chinese to put solar farms on land in Nevada, called the Rancher a "Terrorist". Although, it must be known that the Solar Project was cancelled due to the inability to find customers (read here).

If your not following this story, I am begging you to take 5 minutes a day to keep yourself informed. I am literally begging you.

Listen to what Harry Reid says about them. Then go to You Tube and watch the actual videos and read Bundy's side of the story and the government's.

Read it from both the conventional media (who barely cover this huge story), and also read it from alternative media like Benn Swann's web site or Info Wars or Drudge report. Look at the difference in coverage. One is state propaganda, and the other actually has real videos and eyewitness accounts from the actual Ranch.

I truly believe this story may end up as the shot heard around the world, and it is ever so important you know the truth about what is happening!

--Jim Fisher

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Extremist

 The extremist. When the media or government refers to the extremist, what they are referring to are views that are extremely different than theirs.

Their views say a government that sells its unborn children into massive debt is legitimate. My own view is that this is immoral.

Their views say that trying to control every country in the world through force and starving their citizens and murdering both them and our own soldiers is absolutely legitimate and makes us safe. My own view is that this is immoral.

Their view is that stealing massive amounts of hard earned money from its own citizens is legitimate. My own view is that this is immoral.

Their view is that it's perfectly legitimate to counterfeit billions and billions of dollars and give that money to rich bankers and also steal a trillion dollars from its citizens to give it all to rich bankers, and it's all perfectly legitimate. My own view is that this is immoral.

Their view is that when they conduct all this counterfeiting, theft and spending and the economy fails because of it, then it's ok to blame the free market, and say they need to have more counterfeiting, theft and spending to fix the economy, and this is legitimate. My own view is that this is immoral.

Meet the extremist. I am the extremist. I am the radical. Yet I don't feel extreme or radical. I feel like I speak common sense in an extremely radical world.

Written by Jim Fisher

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Solar Panels Are Voo Doo Ecoomics

The other day, one of my company's employees spoke to us about the "reality" of solar power becoming cheaper. Cheap enough that the average person can afford it. This could affect utility companies such as the one I work for. He offered an example of Solar City as one of the biggest companies. So I decided to look into it.

As it turns out, depending on your situation, solar power with Solar City could be a good deal, but again, it depends on your life style and potential future plans. You can check the Solar City's lease program here.

BUT...Now for the other proverbial shoe. Everyone knows solar panels are similar to wind generators. The cost to produce and maintain are more than the energy they produce. If you check out these comments on Solar City's product, you will see one person who said he paid $15K, but that the government subsidized $5K. Even USA Today wrote an article about this fraud as well. (read Newsbusters article too)

So there you have it. The average consumer may be getting a good deal, but at what hidden cost? Somebody is paying for this. If the Utility companies are paying for the "extra" electricity, then you have the Federal Government and Utility companies paying for the same electricity. In other words, the Federal government is paying for a product to produce electricity that the electric company will also pay for. So what appears to be good economics is in reality the very Voo Doo economics Leftists accused of Ronald Reagan.

In other words, the reality is that solar panels are not cost effective, but as long as the Federal Government gives money away like candy, then, for the short term, we can pretend to save the environment & money. But sooner or later, the bill will come due.

Friday, September 13, 2013

 <<A case challenging the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is being weighed by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts where state law requires schoolchildren to recite the pledge daily as a patriotic exercise.>>
The problem I have with this whole debate is that both sides force the issue as if there were never any other views on the subject either in recent history nor historically from our Founding. Since the article is posted on a Baptist News Website, I have to wonder just how far Baptists have come from their roots historically.

Could you imagine the same Baptists that wrote to Jefferson about the First Amendment as being people that would ever have recited anything remotely close to the Pledge of Allegiance, much less going to a State school by force and being forced by the State to swear allegiance to it? Especially since governments were their biggest fear in the world precisely because more Baptists died at the hands of State officials during the Reformation than all other denominations combined!

Stop thinking Left. Stop thinking Right.

Liberty. Friends, Think Liberty! It is an alternative way to think about the entire debate.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How Intelligent People Can Be Useful Idiots Too

President of HSLDA, Home School Legal Defense Association, Michael Farris, has posted an article explaining his interaction with a defender of Common Core, David Coleman, president of the College Board. You may read the article here.

The article demonstrates how men of opposing views may have a serious discussion without name calling. But I want to point out some of the obvious problems of those of the political Left & Right who are being used as "useful idiots".

Now I must be clear. I do not mean by the phrase "useful idiots" that someone such as David Coleman is an idiot. He is obviously not an idiot. I also believe that David Coleman has "good intentions" in his desire to improve the education of American children. Even Michael Farris had to admit from listening to Coleman's presentation of Common Core,
"From a pedagogical perspective, there are clearly some good ideas contained in it."

But as Farris points out, the problem isn't about some of the so-called good ideas that are a part of Common Core, but the real fundamental problem that leads to other major problems. It is being run by the Federal Government, a centralized bureaucracy intended to grow in monopolistic power.

In other words, it is not about education, but about power dressed in education. Notice Coleman's interaction as recorded by Farris,
"To his credit, Mr. Coleman noted that he was not acting in a vacuum. There are centralized mandates for education in play virtually everywhere. And many of them have very marginal educational utility. I agreed with his assessment of many current centralized standards."
Even Coleman recognized the problems of centralized power in this section of the article:
When he asked me why I thought that the Common Core was worse than other standards, I indicated that one of my chief concerns was the creation of the database that would track students throughout their educational career.

His answer surprised me. He didn’t like the database all that well. It was not originally part of the Common Core, but other people have seized the opportunity to make a centralized data collection effort through the implementation of the Common Core.

Do you see the problem that Coleman refuses to really address. He may not like a centralized database, but he is willing to chuck liberty under the bus in order to gain what he perceives as a better American education system. But in the end, the people who desire power will gain more power and nothing will change because the foundation to the problem is not being challenged.

It is not about education. It is all about centralized power.

Monday, July 29, 2013

No Longer Fooled By the Not So Serious

Some time ago I noted how Rush was upset that 3 million or so conservative voters didn't vote this last time around. Then when the IRS scandal broke, it became Rush's scape goat for why these people didn't vote. Yes, Rush has actually been arguing on his radio show that conservative voters didn't vote because the Tea Party and others were harassed by the IRS.

Now I know we think that is completely silly, but today Rush made an observation about the Republicans that we all knew and know to be true. They were never serious. The only problem is that he refuses to speak about the obvious disconnect between the Republicans and the missing voters. He said on today's show,

RUSH: I don't think they were ever serious about repealing health care, the Republicans.  I don't think they ever were.  I think that it has been lip service from the get-go.  The votes to stop -- I mean, the leadership, House and Senate, I don't think they've ever really been serious about repealing Obamacare, especially since the Supreme Court decision.  I don't think so.

So there you have it. I have argued before and I will continue to argue as such, that many modern conservatives are in many ways more akin to Classical Liberals. They are just now hearing men like Ron Paul argue for a more consistent and real case for liberty and living it out.

Since we [I consider myself one of them] are tired of the lies from the Republican Party, and since we know they will do nothing to advance liberty, and since we know the Modern Left is just pro-Statist State, then there is no place to go but to refuse to give our consent to the ruling class by participating in their voting scheme to endorse them or to grant them justification for their existence.

Now does Rush see this connection? I think he must unless of course he is so blinded by his own failed Neo-Conservative position that he fails to make the connection. Rush is no dummy. Anyone who makes up the idea of the IRS scandal as to blame for the missing voters is purposely looking in the wrong place to fool an audience. However, at least 3 million of us are no longer fooled.

It is time to change.