If you remember in 2008, President Bush reversed the moratorium on drilling in the gulf and the price of oil immediately went down. Of course Media Matters and others disagree that this had anything to do with it (read here), it should be obvious to all. The Left wants their cake and to eat it too. First it is Bush's fault that oil was high, then when it comes down, it's not his fault. Which is it?
There are two things in this story I'd like to point out but keep in mind, I am not necessarily questioning the facts of the story. I am questioning the presuppositions of the writer. The Left never feels it has to defend its starting point or worldview. For them it just is. Notice this paragraph:
Apparently it is the duty of Exxon and others to share their benefits. Property rights? What are those in this kind of worldview? It isn't even thought about. And it is always funny how the other guy must share his "benefits". Why is this? Now we all agree that there are times and ways in which we ought to share what we have, but the Left needs to demonstrate with a solid moral foundation as to why the government mobsters should be granted the power of taxation and weapons in order to shake down companies. Why the Alimighty Government should be granted such power immoral power is beyond me.And while the pain is widely felt -- consider all the Wal-Mart shoppers who are agonizing over how to make it to the end of the month -- the benefits are not being widely shared.
I would love to see what the Huffington Post has made this year. Whatever it is, I think it is evil and I think I should be getting an even part of their income. Mr. Government, would you please provide me the proper service of getting my money from them! Well of course that's ridiculous, but I love sarcasm. See my brother's post on the nonsense of this view here)
But an even more absurd and obvious lie that runs throughout this story is more or less revealed in this paragraph.
Siemenski even accentuates the positive. “Yes, when gas goes up, everybody squeaks, because it's uncomfortable,” he says. But high oil prices mean, among other things, that “it becomes more attractive to do alternative energy… The worst thing that ever happened to wind and solar power companies was when oil prices collapsed in 2008 and early 2009,” he says. Furthermore, when gas gets pricey, “people who made a decision to get a Prius instead of a Hummer get a payback, and from a societal standpoint, that's probably good.”
Ahhhh, so it is good when the price of gas goes up? Of course it is in the warped mind of the Left (remember now, the same people BLAMED EVIL BUSH for the same thing...so is it evil or good?). We all now know the Left hates free market enterprise, and by forcing the American population to go after non-existent alternative fuels, they know they get to destroy the American way of life...Liberty.
We have heard story after story how increasing American oil production will not cheapen the price of oil. Yet as is seen from above with President Bush and now with President Obama calling for more production from the Middle East, we can see that claim is contradicted (read that story here). So the lies about the idiots, Sarah Palin's statement, "Drill baby drill", can be put to bed.
So what is the point to all of this. We have a President that wants high gasoline prices at the pump. He and Hillary and others have stated this in no uncertain terms that they want this.
It should be obvious to all that whether it is through the lies of Global Warming or tax policies or drilling bans or saving the environment, the Left wants to overthrow our Constitutional Liberties for a centralized planning form of government. Now you still may be thinking, "So what?" Well, if the government can control what kind of car you will buy or where you can ride a dirt bike or what can you eat or that you have to buy health insurance, then they can literally regulate anything. By that definition, you are now property of the State. If you are property of the State, then speaking out against the Almighty State could be problems. Freedom of Speech, religion, right to bear arms etc etc. How can those thiings have any meaning in a world that simply removes your liberties by more conniving means?