Monday, November 26, 2012

Tyranny Wrapped In A Box Of Science & Politics

The progressive

The progressive realizes not where progress is made. All real human progress has been made by the market. By individuals figuring out what other individuals really want, need and more importantly, will part with their own savings for.

Yet despite the evidence of the market being responsible for real progress, the progressive seeks to centrally plan progress by the force of the state.

He says:

"We should do X"

"People need to be X"

"We shouldn't do X because the environment X"

Not realizing any time one makes a statement like this, it really means the force of the state guns is needed. Otherwise, if it were voluntary, it would just happen.

The progressive is responsible for horrors and setbacks to real progress.

For it was the progressives that were first to support Hitler.
The progressives looked to plan human development through sterilizing portions of population.
The progressive has no concept of evil and good. These are just relative terms to them.

Progress does not need to be forced onto people. That's tyranny!

For the progressive is tyranny wrapped in a box of science and politics.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Yummy Cupcakes No More?

Yummy cupcakes no more?

Just the other day I wrote a rant on teachers unions not realizing I was predicting the future in my piece. (Please read below on Unions)

I honestly had no idea that this was happening when I wrote it.

Hostess Cupcakes will close its doors. Their union is in the middle of striking.

The CEO says it doesn't matter if the strike ended a week ago, they still must close their doors.

So I want you to think about this for a second. The business has filed for bankruptcy twice since 2004. They have been hanging on by a thread running at a loss for years.

So what does their union do?

Go on strike! Think about that. Your company is dying and if you want to keep your job you should do everything in your power to help them. But instead, you walk out on strike to demand more from them?

Union president says that their failure is from a decade of financial mismanagement. As if he would know. But to me it doesn't matter. Your company is dying. Strike? How can putting the last nail in the coffin be the answer?

Their union has been battling them for years with strikes.

Like I said, unions choke off their companies until only the non-union companies are left standing with less competition.

Its a self correcting system in the free market. This is why you see very little unions in the private sector. The problem corrects itself.

Its also why you see the unions in the public sector instead. Where they can thrive because there is no failure. The failure just means higher taxes for the private sector.

So now 18,500 jobs will be lost because of unions. What else can you argue? That a company loosing money should have paid its workers more?

I wonder how may of those 18500 wanted nothing to do with the union, but had to go along because of the force unions use? How many would have been happy to stay at work but couldn't?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quantitative Easing Or Just Plain Stealing

Quantitative easing is a euphemism for an inflationary strategy of monetary policy pursued by central banks. The bank adds money to its balance sheet ex nihilo (out of nothing), and uses the new money to purchase government securities, thus increasing bank reserves, raising the prices of government securities, and lowering their interest rates. It is equivalent to simply printing additional legal tender. ~Credit for this definition goes to the Mises Institute
Deep Thoughts, by me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why We Are Hobos

The Tea Party is officially a failure. For it failed on many terms. But I now understand why it failed.

It was supposed to be aligned on 3 issues

Fiscal responsibility
Constitutional limited government
Free Markets

Although these 3 values are good ones. They tea party should have one core value.


It should use Liberty as its benchmark.

Now the Tea Party is dead and all but co-opted by the establishment. It's time for the Libertarians to take hold.

Want to join something that really means something and can't be co-opted by the establishment?

Start by reading Murray Rothbard and visit

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting = Civic Duty?

We are so indoctrinated by the State that it is our civic duty to vote that people actually believe we are a part of the government. That is more of a Soviet idea than an American one. Only since the Civil War could an idea such as this be perpetrated upon the American people. As a Baptist, I think have to agree with my brother, Jim. Historically, Baptists have been very leery of government and most certainly anti-war. So I decided to post this Facebook post written by my brother.

James Fisher

Do your civic duty and vote?

What did the founders think about government and our civic duty?

"I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." - Jefferson [and he said this back then before the FDA, Dept of agriculture and so on etc...]

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson [Jefferson knew even within our own nation we would eventually have to fight our own government to restore liberty]

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” -George Washington [the founders understood the very nature of government. They did not seek to make a great government, but a severely restricted one]

"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide." - John Adams
As we all hail our civic duty to vote in our so called democracy, the democratic system is not something heralded by the founders. It was not attendance at polls they were worried about, but how to keep a limited state limited.

So why are they so interested in your attendance at the polls...Your so called civic duty?

Because they think that you can not claim their taxes as the theft it really is, if you go vote and are responsible for the system. By voting, you are supporting the system. The spending, the debt, the theft, all of it.

The last thing they want is for your refusal to put the next thief in his position. They don't want you to claim independence from the democratic Republic system. Where you can stand and say, "I'll have no part in this cycle of theft". Because then you can logically claim you are being stolen from, not taxed.

So do your civic duty!

Don't vote for either party and refuse to take part in this two party system.

It is your civic duty to resist tyranny of the state!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Radical Egalitarianism Is Un-American

"Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery then unequal in freedom." - Alexis De Tocqueville
Equality as our founders meant it is commonly misunderstood and referred to as a quest for social policies.

Reading De Tocqueville's quote here, one can understand why. After all, we would rather be worse off and equal right.

You need to put the quote into context. In their time, people were born Nobel or common and in between. Meaning, you were born with different rules and rights depending on what level of society you were born into.

The American idea was to abolish this system of Nobility. For all men to be equal under the law. Each person granted the equal rights as all others under law.

This did not mean people should not be rich whiles others poor. It had nothing to do with outcomes or wealth. It meant that the rich must abide by the exact same laws as the poor. The poor would be able to operate in the same system as the rich and have no disadvantage under law.

It did not mean if you were born with less that you could take from the rich until you had equal outcomes. Because this would be unequal under law. The rich gets stolen from while poor get to steal. This is not the equality they wanted.

It is important to understand this simple concept. For our American experiment & idea rests on it.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Who Gets the Bigger Half?

It is often thought that people get rich at the expense of others.

This assumes a fatal flaw. That wealth is not created but is finite.
  If wealth were finite (there is only one pie) then indeed the rich would be at the expense of the poor. But it is not. It is limitless.

The fact is, in a free market, for a person to gain wealth, they must make others more wealthy.

You can only gain wealth in a free market through exchange. All exchanges make both parties more wealthy or the exchange would not happen.

So by simple definition, rich people only get that way by making products and services that make others more wealthy. They serve humanity by producing exactly what humanity desires. They create new pies all the time, and while gaining huge portions for themselves they must exchange huge portions to society.

There is no one pie to distribute amongst us all. There is limitless creation possible.

The state with its idiot leaders like Obama seek to stop the pie creation and force the wealthy to distribute the current allotment of pies to the rest of us. Instead of just letting them go on creating new pies to exchange and make us all more wealthy. They seek to see us all perfectly equal sharing only the one pie.

They (the state) are a crime to society. Hindering the advancement of wealth for us all in a quest to make us the same poor dogs, equal in our squander.

They point guns at the heads of those producing the most and say, "You have too much."

Well, those producing the most are the ones supplying the most wealth.

You have heard the the saying, "Don't bite the hand the feeds you?"

The state is constantly biting the hands that feed us in the name of fairness.

It is time to bite the state!