Monday, July 25, 2011

Growing Your Government Business

To offer a real life example of how growing government reduces liberty and freedom I will simply put forward the local police dept of Scott City. Now I do not know the numbers of our local police dept. budget. However, in the last couple of years, the police dept. has built a new building and jail. Now this new building is far bigger and houses more prisoners. It has rooms for conferences.

Now what is interesting is that the size of Scott City's population has not increased. So if this government business is to increase its revenue to go along with its increase in expenses, the answer is obvious. The police dept must find more bad guys. How do we find more bad guys? We just declare more things illegal and/or go start handing out fines. Speeding tickets is a great source of revenue. But when people start obeying the speed limit because they don't want a ticket, do you think a government business can stay in business that way? No, it must find more lawbreakers.

Not to worry though. Kansas will soon be on the war path against the smoker as can be read in House bill 2221. You see, we simply create a culture that calls some particular act evil based upon thin air, and ta da, you have a culture that is willing to call that act a crime punishable by confiscating your money. Now we have created a new revenue source for our local police department.

We have seen this in certain counties that have banned watering the lawn because of water shortages. Did the company (the government) do what all companies have to do? Nope! They charge you more for less, the very thing our Local NYTimes Editor says shouldn't be done.

The beauty about all of this is that it can't be stopped by the normal free market system. The local police Dept may just keep growing itself simply because there are no normal economic restraints to stop it. How does one stop an inner city school that is failing? Competition? From where if government has the monopoly?

It is time to start thinking Libertarian and what the role of government actually is.

Central Planners On All Sides

In the Local NYTimes Scott City Newspaper, the local editor wrote about his opinion of the deficit issues.
The CCB would reduce government spending to levels not seen since 1966. Can you imagine living on the same income you had 45 years ago? 
The GOP loves it because it sounds good on paper. Government spending is being reduced by an unprecedented scale. Our deficit woes will disappear. Life couldn’t be better . . . except for those who must live with the consequences.

And of course what would those consequences be? Don't worry, he'll toilet to you every cliche and euphemism he is able to muster while assuming the company is not losing customers already. Nevermind the fact we are spending Trillions of Dollars we don't have. I wonder if his business has a printing press. He runs a Newspaper after all. But in this particular article he argues from the hypocrisy of the Political Right. How does this bolster his position? I have no idea. But here is an example of his argument.

Imagine, as an employee, if your company was to make the following offer.
The company is experiencing major financial issues and in order to bring costs under control, all employees will have to take a 25 percent cut in wages and benefits. 
Company spending would be reduced to the same level it was in 1966. 
And . . . here’s the best part . . . the cost of goods shipped to the company’s largest customers would be reduced by 10 percent because, as everyone knows, the company would be out of business if it weren’t for these customers who create jobs because they are the ones buying the product you make.

Then he asks,

How many employees do you think would be working for that company the next day, or the next week? How long could that company remain in business?

I'm not certain where this private business owner learned economics, but if a company is about to go out of business unless it cut costs, I guess in his world being jobless would be better. But hey, remember, for Leftist Central Planners, a government unemployment check is even better than having a job which cut 25% of your pay. Perhaps the company going out of business would be even better?

I guess in his Newspaper business world, if all of a sudden he lost 50% of his subscribers, his first move would be to hire more people and give everyone a raise? But the Local NYTimes Editor writes a truth when he stated,

When asked what government programs would be cut in order to balance the budget, Republicans have chosen to be vague.

So as far as I can see, he only proves that both the Right and the Left are Central Planners.

It doesn’t take an engineer, or a PhD, to understand that when you sharply reduce the flow of income, without reducing costs, an economic disaster is inevitable.

He makes this argument at least twice in the editorial. He equates government as a typical business. He also assumes government has a right to your money to provide you with services that it has no right to offer. The problem is that when the business of government increases, liberty decreases. Personally, I would like to see the government have its own going out of business auction and liberty be restored. But when in the same paper it is noted that the same conservative state of Kansas is going to attempt to make Kansas a "smoke free state" (as seen in this house bill), then the only thing proved is his love for bigger government.

I'll offer in my next post what I mean by this conclusion.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rush Doesn't Hear His Own Answer

As I was listening to Rush' show today, I heard him answer his own question again, and yet I still don;t think he heard it. Here is a quote from the program:

I know exactly how you feel.  This is what we expect to happen every time our side wins elections, and they don't do it, and so we say, why, and we end up ticked off. You and I know that we hold the cards here.  We know that Obama couldn't get elected if the election were today.  We don't need to act like losers.  So what's the answer to this?  The answer is the DC establishment wants higher taxes, they want more spending, they want bigger government, and they want it redistributed.  And the DC establishment consists of people who call themselves Republicans but aren't, people who call themselves Democrats but aren't.  They just call themselves that.  They are just statists, ruling class people, they just decide which party they're gonna belong to, all to keep us thinking in a certain way.  It's what all this illustrates. 

So the issue is not whether or not someone is a Democrat or a Republican. The issue is political power, either from the Democrat viewpoint or Republican viewpoint, but both are Central Planners. For example, this weeks' Weekly Standard's Newsletter states this about potential Republican nominee, Rick Perry:

Rick Perry may seem to be an attractive candidate, but he's unlikely to withstand scrutiny: The three-term governor of Texas is to the right of many Republican voters and has a record with just as many misses (the Trans-Texas Corridor, the HPV vaccine mandate) as hits.

Exactly! A Republican that acts like a Republican is somehow not a true Republican? Both parties dictate and force unjust laws upon the American people. It just depends on which side you are standing. One side wants to force the oxymoron of Gay Marriage, health care, what foods you must eat down everyone's throats. While the other side wants a police state to come in to your home and make certain you didn't purchase any of that unpasteurized milk or perhaps stop you from listening to any of that Devil's music and of course the modern Prohibition, the bogus drug war (of course there's much more one could list).

No one speaks about liberty from a consistent standpoint. Although I personally struggle with the use of the military in certain situations due to the fact by playing the isolationists we were forced into World Wars I & II, I see Ron Paul as the only one who is truly willing to deal with this issue in a fashion NO Republican will. Rush may not like Ron Paul due to the fact that he's a Libertarian, but doesn't Rush have Walter Williams on his program as a substitute?

You may watch Ron Paul on this video at Real Clear Politics for the answer to our economic problems.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Call To Arms, Do Not Regret!

My brother, Jim Fisher, posted a comment on Facebook earlier today. Without his permission I am copy/pasting it here.
Aye, fight and you may die, run and you may live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to tell our Enemies that they can take our lives, but they may never take OUR FREEDOM!

Watching one of my favorite movies last night "Braveheart", after Mels pre-battle speech I couldn't help think about what it was that is so appealing about these words. And my wife pointed it out. It appeals to one of our most important emotions. That is "Regret".

As we listen to our two parties debate our debt ceiling extension, each one of us knows down deep that they couldn't care less what the actual result is. So long as they come out appearing to be the winner in the voters eyes, that is all they care about, their next election.

The news is tallying points as if they are covering a sports game. While the actual Problem, that is this massive expansion of government and the tyranny being placed on the people has forced us into the worst economic collapse in US history. The Fed is stealing Trillions of dollars from us while they print money from thin air, and your children will be asking what we did while the fight for ideas was happening.

What regrets will you have? What will you tell them when they ask, "Why didn't you understand how we strayed so far from our constitution? Why didn't you know your founders history or how to understand real market economics and liberty?" Will you tell them you were busy watching TMZ or GLEE? Will you be filled with regret while sefdom has become a way of life for your children? Or will you fight now?

We are lucky enough that we can still do this without guns and weapons. We can fight and win on the battlefield of ideas. But you need to get into the fight. It's not about Republican or Democrat. It's about freedom and personal responsibility. Refuse to take anything from the government. Be willing to leave your social security and Medicare on the table and become accountable for yourself. You don't need the state. They are like a weight that we drag along with us. Learn about Libertarianism and about economics.

Do you think Thomas Jefferson preferred reading Adam Smith over relaxation and entertainment?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blowhards Blow Money For Their Own Profit

So today CNN Money reports more of the Blowhards blowing harder. Now, not only are the politicians such President Obama commanding the private sector to do something, now GE Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt blow the command as part of the President's Jobs Council.
"The people who are part of the business sector, the people in this room, have got to stop complaining about government and get some action underway," he told the group. "There's no excuse today for lack of leadership. The truth is we all need to be part of the solution."

So if you want to do electrical work or sell oranges on your front lawn but some "old" regulations such as being unionized or FDA bureaucrats are holding you back, well quit complaining and don't worry. They'll recommend that those regulations be fixed or something or whatever. SOON...Right?

The truth is, businesses don't exist or do things simply because some almighty government official says, "Go do something." Only Central Planners think this way.

He said the group has made a number of recommendations for changes in government policies that should be able to help job creation, such as the executive order announced Monday asking independent agencies to rid their books of old and outdated regulations.

So I guess we will see bureaucracies getting off their porn sites long enough to figure out which regulations to throw away. Shall I hold my breath? I mean, President Obama and his laser likeness on the economy will certainly get right to it.

It certainly is wonderful that the CEO of GE could share his brilliant insight on how to get businesses to get going. Simply command like the President and all will be well. Of course if we all got printed money, perhaps we would do well to?

Of course we are told that printing money helps the economy because we all buy more tooth paste and the tooth paste assembler gets a pay check. Just read here.

All has not been well at GE, however. Since 2002, the company has laid off around 20 percent of its work force in the U.S., while expanding its overseas operations. And the company’s financing arm, GE Capital, sustained massive losses and had to be bailed out by the federal government:

OOOps. Did all of that printed money save those jobs? I guess we need to ask those 20% that got laid off. As we know from studying the truth about the guy with the printing press. He only tells you he is helping the little guy when in fact printing money makes the rich richer, Central Bankers, politicians etc..

I think the Libertarians have got it right. This is "soft fascism". Command and control. Central Planning with Central Banking. While you stand in the welfare line (formerly known as the "bread lines" under Soviet Rule & our very own Great Depression).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to the New Normal Central Planners Planned For You

I just love this kind of stuff. Here you have a government that is purposely destroying the economy, and you have their Left leaning Media playing right along as if nothing could possibly be done about it. Yahoo News reports Geithner:
Geithner tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that it's a very tough economy. He says that for a lot of people "it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come."

So now we are just to accept their false premise. Oh well, I guess the experts who broke the system can't fix it because of Evil President Bush. So let's print Trillions of dollars to save the economy. Yes. I said what I just said. These idiots really believe they saved the economy by printing Trillions of dollars that we don't have.
He says President Barack Obama rescued the United States from a second Great Depression and will keep working to strengthen the economy. But Geithner says will be some time before many people feel like the country is recovering.

So now we should slap ourselves for ever doubting our Savior, President Barrack Hussein Obama. Never mind the fact that it was Roosevelt's policies that kept the United States in the Great Depression for much longer than needed. Since Obama is following in the same foot steps, the Left-Wing Press must find ways to get the American public to accept their destruction.

We all know what the answer is. The question now remains before us. Will we vote for a Ron Paul, or will we continue on this madness? I've got the feeling that if Republicans don't get a move on, Tea Party candidates will soon be nominated under an official party.

Welcome to the new normal.