Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why the Chatter?

Obama says the constitution is a charter of negative liberties. That it only says what the government can't do and says nothing about what the government must do for the people!

He is absolutely right!

The founders believed a basic understanding about government that most today do not understand. Government does not have the ability to give you anything. It has the ability to give you something it steals from others, but for the simple fact it doesn't produce, it cannot give. So in order to do anything, it must engage in some form of tyranny. They understood this and created a document of limitations.

Why this is such a topic of debate today (following the constitution) I am a bit perplexed. Since almost everything the federal government does today is unconstitutional, why all the chatter?

They have already passed social security, dept of education, dept of agriculture, FDA, and on and on, which is all forbidden by the constitution! So why do people stand up and say "this health care bill is unconstitutional"?

This is where republicans ignore all the unconstitutional bills they passed and pretend they are the defenders of the constitution.
 by Jim Fisher