This is just rich. According to Bloomberg, the FBI is investigating Solyndra for fraud. as the article states,
The FBI is investigating Solyndra LLC for possible accounting fraud and the accuracy of financial representations made to the government, according to an agency official.
But even the author, Seth Stern, misses the obvious when he wrote,
Solyndra, which made cylindrical-shaped solar panels, filed for bankruptcy protection on Sept. 6 and fired about 1,100 workers with little notice, about two years after winning a $535 million U.S. loan guarantee from the Energy Department.[Emphasis obviously mine]
The fraud isn't their bankruptcy. The fraud is that the Federal government secures big loans for big corporations because of Centralized Banking that is able to print/launder money. This is the Federal government's fault! Obama and Congress should be investigating themselves!
Of course, Federal employees such as the President are just innocent bystanders. They had no idea that millions and billions of dollars were being laundered back into their campaign coffers even though they made the laws that secured these loans. And of course, he'll be at the helm ready to investigate these corporate weasels. NONSENSE! Americans need to wake up!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Christian Science Monitor has reported that Ron Paul will be on the Jon Stewart fake news show thi coming Monday. As the article reports,
Jon Stewart has accused the media of unfairly ignoringGOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul – and now the host of "The Daily Show”
is putting his airtime where his mouth is. The inevitable meet-up is
occurring: Stewart will host Rep. Paul on his Monday show.
As can be seen on this funny clip, Stewart is putting his program where his mouth is.
CALLER: On this Solyndra deal, when General Motors went through bankruptcy, the Obama administration totally disregarded the concerns of the bondholders of the investors, and at one point I believe Obama even warned them against being greedy. Yet when Solyndra was in financial trouble the Obama administration restructured their loan with special consideration given to the investors. Why the difference?
RUSH: Well, what do you think?
CALLER: I guess they bundled money for him and GM didn't.
So Rush responds with what we all should agree. This is crony capitalism.
RUSH: Exactly right. But it's even worse than that. You know, I think it's worse than crony capitalism what's going on here because I will never be able to prove this. Five hundred and twenty three million, half a billion dollars goes to a company that has no business. There is no solar panel business. Now, I would think $523 billion, I could find a way to at least break even here. Five hundred twenty-three million. Million, billion, what the hell difference does it make? But we'll stick with million. I could find a way to break even with this, to at least break even. This bunch goes bankrupt in a few short years.
Now, nothing can be proven but I will never be shocked if it were ever established that some of that money ended back up in Obama's campaign war chest or the Democrat Party's war chest or what have you.
Ok, fair enough. Obama and the Democrats are picking winners and losers and trying to control the market all the while lining their campaign pockets. Yet Rush then goes on to campaign for the crony capitalist Gov. Perry (which you may temporarily read here) in which he basically argues that we must "stay focused" on what matters. We must defeat the Democrats.
In February 2007, Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed a shocking executive order forcing every sixth-grade girl to submit to a three-jab regimen of the Gardasil vaccine. He also forced state health officials to make the vaccine available "free" to girls ages 9 to 18. The drug, promoted by manufacturer Merck as an effective shield against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) and genital warts, as well as cervical cancer, had only been approved by the Food and Drug Administration eight months prior to Perry's edict
Now we have to ask, "why?" Keep in mind, these vaccinations were to be made free to girls ages 9 to 18. According to Real Clear politics,
Merck immediately mounted a massive lobbying effort of state legislatures around the country to get Gardasil added to their respective lists of state-mandated vaccines.
Hmmm, so let's get this straight. Merck lobbys state legislatures. Texas, at this point anyway, didn't pass any legislation mandating the vaccinations. So the Almighty Texas Governor Perry circumvents the legislative process and by kingly fiat does it anyway. So what would cause a politician to do that? Chicagonow reported,
Apparently, Perry’s attempt to minimize Bachmann’s “crony capitalism” innuendo also led to a less than accurate representation according to Texas Ethics Commission filings which indicates he had received $28,500 in campaign contributions from Merck’s political action committee since 2001, not the mere $5,000 he acknowledged.
The article, for all of its emotional defense of Perry, admits the high cost to tax payers that Merck gets to pocket.
The Merck vaccine "Gardasil", is also controversial because of its price--$360 for the three doses required over a six month stretch.
And also states a very revealing conflict of interest if ever there was one.
Recently, Toomey [Perry's former chief of staff] co-founded a “super” political action committee that is expected to wage an expensive independent expenditure effort on Perry’s behalf in the 2012 presidential campaign.
So in conclusion, what difference does it make if the crony capitalism comes from the Left or the Right? So I agree with Rush. Let's concentrate on what really matters. We no longer need to vote for crony capitalists whether they be Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative. This is one more reason we must take the opportunity to vote for Ron Paul, the only true to the core candidate for Liberty of this Presidential race.
Here is another great example of government enthusiasts assuming their false premises. The Drudge Report linked to this article on WLSAM written by John Dempsy. He transcribes the interview between Don Wade and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. Here is what she had to say:
“I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security. Like have police and fire. What about the people that work at the National Institute of Health who are looking for a cure for cancer,” Schakowsky said.
Spoken like a person who loves government. Notice how she offers the proper roles of government in order to justify her illogical link to what government is not empowered to do.
Isn't it always the first thing government officials cry about when getting supposed budget cuts that we will lose Firemen and Policemen? Yet we never hear about government bureaucrats getting the axe, do we? Of course notice how she links police to health care. She just ASSUMES that health care is government's responsibility. Never once does she ever try to justify that position because she lives in a world where that just is and anything other than that is wrong. Why? Because it just is.
So why does the political Left think this way? The answer is obvious to those who know a little about American history and Western Civilization. American freedom and liberty is founded on one major principle...private property rights. The political Left does not believe in liberty. They certainly abhor private property rights that under-gird the American system as seen in the Constitution.
In case you think the political Right is much better, you better think twice. Front Runner Gov. Perry from Texas has no problem with being a dictator in the name of being a good government official. Remember, he had the audacity to force girls to receive vaccinations by governor fiat. Now whether you agree with him or not or whether you agree the vaccinations are good or not is not the issue. The fact Perry thinks he has this kind of power should scare us all. We have seen Obama exercise it to a degree. But is Obama doing anything Bush didn't do? No.
Again, this is another shameless plug for Ron Paul. He is the only person that actually desires to return to a Constitutional form of government.
And former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney chided Perry for referring to Social Security as a "Ponzi scheme" and vowed to protect the program. Romney called such language "over the top" and said that Perry wrote in his book "Fed Up!" that the entitlement program is unconstitutional.
So I have to ask the obvious. If it is not a Ponzi scheme where the funds have been stolen by Congress and dwarfing the Madoff scandal, then pray tell, what is it? Why does this Madoff go to jail while Congress continues on doing exactly the same thing?
It should also be noted that every judge knows Social Security is unConstitutional. That is why Roosevelt had to stack the Court in order to get it declared legal. So again, pray tell, where in the Constitution is this power enumerated. Oh that's right. You can't!
Romney responded to Perry at one point by saying:
"If we nominate someone who the Democrats can correctly characterize as being opposed to Social Security, we would be obliterated as a party," he said.
What I find interesting about all of this mumbo jumbo is neither are willing to deal with the real fundamental issues. Both are accepting the false premises that government is the solution to our problems. Neither one of them are offering the politically incorrect but necessary solution. CUT SPENDING!
So Perry is going to accept deficit spending and crony capitalism (as Palin noted here), and Romney...well, Romney Care should tell us all we need to know. How he was a front runner is beyond me. Note this article's statement on Romney's budget:
Taken together, Romney’s fiscal policies would be even worse than the House Budget. His spending levels are the same — though he provides few details as to what he would cut to accomplish this — but his revenue levels are even lower. The result would be continued unsustainable deficits and more debt. In fact, Romney’s plan would yield approximately $6.5 trillion in deficits from 2013 through 2021.
See the problem? No true budget cuts.
And of course the other head of this dragon. The Fed!
The Fed has one power that is unique to it alone: it enables the creation of money out of thin air. Sometimes it makes vast new amounts. Sometimes it makes lesser amounts. The money takes a variety of forms and enters the system in various ways. And the Fed does this through techniques such as open-market operations, changing reserve ratios, and manipulating interest rates, operations that all result in money creation.
We are talking about an awesome power. It is the power to weave illusions that appear real as long as they last. That is the very core of the Fed's power.
Of course not everyone is instinctively against this illusion-weaving power, and many even welcome it. Tragically, the innocent who understand little about the complexity of the monetary system suffer the most, while those who are in the know reap great profit whether the market is going up or down.
The more we seek to follow the popular guy, the closer to a true default we come. Time to vote for substance. Time to vote for Ron Paul.
We have interacted on this blog with those who claimed that Tea Partiers are violent. Yet here is a quote from Jimmy Hoffa on Real Clear Politics.
"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner.
And here is Biden using inflaming rhetoric.
Yahoo News has reported actual violence as supposed to supposed Tea Party. Of course, we have been hearing about Union Thugs all along. It's just you have to listen to other sources that the Old Media.
Six guards were held hostage for a couple of hours after 500 or more Longshoremen broke down gates about 4:30 a.m. and smashed windows in the guard shack, he said.
How many hostages have Tea Partiers taken...hmmm? Perhaps you have had windows broken?