Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Do You Really Want To Believe Another Liar?

Here is more proof Perry is just another "Insider".

Perry stood next to a pallet piled high with paper, representing the current tax code, then held up a postcard, representing his own plan. Perry says anyone who's afraid of paying more under his plan can opt for the old tax system instead.

But as the story says, he says this in a particular context.

Rick Perry doesn't have a catchy marketing slogan for his tax plan. But he's hoping the idea of a flat, 20 percent income tax rate will do for his campaign what "9-9-9" did for Herman Cain's.

In other words, he couldn't care less in principle about a Fair Tax or a Flat Tax or even abolishing the Income Tax. He simply wants to do whatever gets him elected. Do you really believe for a moment that he will actually get this card through Congress? I don't even care if it is a Republican Congress. So Rush Limbaugh can talk all he wants in support of Perry, it will take a Libertarian Tea Party Revolution to get rid of the current tax code.

If you doubt me, please read the above paragraph again. Perry states,

Perry says anyone who's afraid of paying more under his plan can opt for the old tax system instead.

Afraid? Let's see. Over half of Americans don't pay income taxes. So why would anyone opt in in the first place?

And 20 %! Yikes! This is the kind of stuff that led to the Civil War.

It is time for a fundamental change folks. It is time to vote for Ron Paul.

They Want Your mind Too

Even though there is no such thing as Intellectual Property, the United States Government is now going to empower itself to unilaterally be able to shut down websites it accuses of pirating movies and etc.. as this Breitbart article states,

The Stop Online Piracy Act has received bipartisan support in the House of Representatives and is the House version of a bill introduced in the Senate in May known as the Theft of Intellectual Property Act or Protect IP Act.

Remember, if it is good for Big Government and Big Business, it is bad for you.

Just in case you are wondering why I would say there is no such thing as Intellectual Property Rights, I suggest you listen to this Youtube video with Jeffrey Tucker.

So please, no more complaining to me about monopolies when it is the hum...the government that will secure them for a mere fee. Then when they decide they need your money because you have had too much success, for another mere fee in the form of campaign donations or what have you, they might leave you alone...maybe.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Podcast: The Patriot Act & Homeland Security

Tea Party Hobos once again does another Podcast. This time we talk about the Patriot Act and Homeland Security as they relate to Private Property Rights and the Fourth Amendment.

Here are the show links and notes.

The Myth of Posse Comitatus by Home land Security

Huffington Post copy of the Report

Judge Napolitano

Rand Paul's video

Larisa Alexandrova, Huffington Post

Sneak & Peek on KnoxNews

Cato At Liberty on Patriot Act being used for the Drug War

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Highlights of Ron Paul in Bloomberg Debate

If you watched the Bloomberg debate, hopefully you noticed that only one candidate wants to deal with the real and fundamental issue...the Federal Reserve and sound money.

Useful Idiots March On

I'm constantly told through friends and the Media that my friends watch that the Tea Party is a bunch of radicals and bigots and racists and so on. Yet we have all heard by now the anti-Semitic racist remarks and seen the violence of these Left Wing useful idiots. It's ironic that the very things we are accused of are the very things they do in front of our very eyes. Yet I'm certain this won't change their minds.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Who Would Jefferson Vote For?

According to this article in the Baptist Press, Mormons don't qualify to be President when there are Christians in the race. However, the article states not one qualification but two [I realize there are three].

He added, "I believe that in Rick Perry we have a candidate who is a proven leader, a true conservative and a committed follower of Christ."
So to be elected to the High Office of the USA, one must be a true conservative and Christian. So I have to ask, which one of these qualifications is more important, "Being a true conservative" or a "committed follower of Jesus"? Somehow I doubt believing in Jesus has anything to do with this test. Otherwise, perhaps Obama is more qualified than Romney? Remember, President Obama claims to be a born-again Christian.

Right now, I'd vote for a true blue Jeffersonian Libertarian, even if he was an atheist before I'd waste another vote on a Republican like Romney or Perry. The pastor goes on to say,

"... Part of a pastor's job is to warn his people and others about false religions. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Mormonism are all false religions. And I stand by those statements," he said to applause
Now I agree a person's religious views may greatly impact how one governs. If one is an atheist, that person may have great difficulty in standing for the Prolife position, but perhaps not and should be judged on an individual basis. So an atheist or a Hindu may be far more Prolife than say a professed Christian such as President Obama.

But this all seems to me to lead back to the culture wars. And after fighting in a never-ending war for nearly 24 years, it seems to me that attempting to solve our cultural issues through the power of government is wrong-headed. I think Conservatives need to start re-thinking what Liberty is and the proper role of govenrment.

In other words, what do we want government to do? Do we really want to go back to the days of Prohibition on every issue? For instance, do we really want government to be involved in the homosexual debate? Would not a restoration of Private Property Rights go a long way in solving some of these things?

As my brother asked a conservative friend, if we make homosexuality illegal by the power of government, how far should government go? Do we enter gay homes with guns firing? You may say that is extreme and would never happen, but it happens now. Read this story about how our government fights the drug war. If the government can storm into house and kill you now for smoking pot, why not come into your house and kill you for anything else we give it power to do?

I have to ask a simple question, "Who is the candidate that Thomas Jefferson would vote for?"

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wall Street Protests, Another Reason to Vote for Ron PAul

Here is another great example of where the Left meets the Right. You have the evils of Wall Street bail outs and centralized banking [Federal government in cooperation with printing money with the Federal reserve] colliding with unions and people who think other Americans should pay for their mortgages and health care. America, there is a third way, but you must be willing to accept and be consistent with the principles of liberty. Vote Ron Paul.

Who Is Ron Paul?

Well, we did it. My brother and I attempted to do our first Tea Party Hobos podcast. In this podcast we discuss Republican Presidential Candidate, Ron Paul, and his libertarian views. We discussed a wide variety of issues and only scratched the surface. Below are some links and resources for the show notes. Just click on the above title to listen or download.

Conservative News and Views

Issues 2000 on Ron Paul

Washington Post on Straw Polls on Ron Paul gaining momentum

Daily Caller Ron Paul is on the rise

Ron Paul's website

Freedom in Phoenix polls Ron Paul could beat Obama

Watch the opening song Restore the Republic video.

Closing song by The Tea Party. Watch here.