<<A case challenging the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is being weighed by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts where state law requires schoolchildren to recite the pledge daily as a patriotic exercise.>>
The problem I have with this whole debate is that both sides force the issue as if there were never any other views on the subject either in recent history nor historically from our Founding. Since the article is posted on a Baptist News Website, I have to wonder just how far Baptists have come from their roots historically.
Could you imagine the same Baptists that wrote to Jefferson about the First Amendment as being people that would ever have recited anything remotely close to the Pledge of Allegiance, much less going to a State school by force and being forced by the State to swear allegiance to it? Especially since governments were their biggest fear in the world precisely because more Baptists died at the hands of State officials during the Reformation than all other denominations combined!
Stop thinking Left. Stop thinking Right.
Liberty. Friends, Think Liberty! It is an alternative way to think about the entire debate.