The other day, one of my company's employees
spoke to us about the "reality" of solar power becoming cheaper. Cheap
enough that the average person can afford it. This could affect utility companies such as the one I work for. He offered an example of
Solar City as one of the biggest companies. So I decided to look into it.
As it turns out, depending on your situation, solar power with Solar
City could be a good deal, but again, it depends on your life style and
potential future plans. You can check the Solar City's lease program here.
BUT...Now for the other proverbial shoe. Everyone knows
solar panels are similar to wind generators. The cost to produce and
maintain are more than the energy they produce. If you check out these comments on Solar City's product, you will see one person who said he paid $15K, but that the government
subsidized $5K. Even USA Today wrote an article about this fraud as well. (read Newsbusters article too)
So there you have it. The average consumer may
be getting a good deal, but at what hidden cost? Somebody is paying for
this. If the Utility companies are paying for the "extra" electricity, then you have the Federal Government and Utility companies paying for the same electricity. In other words, the Federal government is paying for a product to produce electricity that the electric company will also pay for. So what appears to be good economics is in reality the very Voo
Doo economics Leftists accused of Ronald Reagan.
In other
words, the reality is that solar panels are not cost effective, but as
long as the Federal Government gives money away like candy, then, for
the short term, we can pretend to save the environment & money. But sooner or
later, the bill will come due.