Friday, October 22, 2010

Union Funding of Dems

I figured I would share this little do dad with you -

I used to belong to the IAMW years ago. The one thing that drove me completely nuts was how my union donated money to the democrats campaign funds. Imagine yourself in this situation. Your a union worker (not by choice). Every week struggling to make ends meet (At the time my union got us the healthy contract of 0%, 0%, 3% for the next 3 years, which is unusual for unions, but we were a relatively weak branch with weak and corrupt leadership), and every month a nice bite of cash came out of my check to pay my union fees. Then you find out that they are donating millions of dollars to the Dems. I didn't vote who's campaign we should donate to? I wasn't asked? That money is supposed to be for lawyers for bargaining agreements and pension plans
Apparently I misunderstood. I thought they were supposed to represent me? I was a conservative. So were many of my co-workers. So apparently we don't know what is good for us and need our union leaders to figure out which candidates are better for us.
But I thought they were all about democracy? Representing their people? Yet there was no debate. There was no vote. I am sure they would tell you that their members are mostly Democrats. How do they know? Did they even ask? It is yet another example of the elitist, I know whats best for you attitude.

Read this story and keep in mind the amount of money they are putting into this unjustified cause. Stealing from their members for to lone the campaign pockets of the most liberal politicians. All this while their retirement funds are bankrupt. They do it because they know the liberals will steal yours and my money in the form of tax dollars to bail out their mismanaged retirement funds.

As I said in my earlier post the fact that unions destroy their very own companies is why they are dissapearing from the private sector and migrating into the public sector. This sotry is just further proof of that,

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