Saturday, January 1, 2011

Klein on the Constitution

Now I don't doubt that many see the reading of the Constitution as a "stunt" because of some form of cynicism or perhaps that it is a stunt by those deceiving they actually care about it. However, I think the reading of the Constitution is symbolic for at least one necessary reason. It is the law of the land that the Political Left admittedly hates as seen in this video. Now I am fully aware that the Political Right often overlooks nice little paragraphs such as the freedom of political speech located in the First Amendment (think McCain/Feingold).

Now after watching this video, I had to ask, "What did this guy mean by what he said?" I mean, not only is the video some hours or days old, not only is the context devoid of any real meaning, but we all know that Liberals love to redefine everything. Just think of Clinton's testimony and redefinition of the term "is".
A It depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is. If the ?if he ?
if "is" means is and never has been, that is not--- that is one thing.
If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement.
If you have figured out what this means, then you are by far a better man than Klein.

So, following the logic of Ezra Klein, let's just make it up as we go. And since Democrats can overthrow the Constitution at every whim, why can't Republicans just say, "Hey, we don't need a majority, we don't need the Senate, we don't need a Presidential signature on our bills, we'll just repeal Obama Care because we say so."

As my wife reminded me, the Left used to say the Constitution is a "living document" in order to make it say what they wanted. Now apparently, it is dead. Of course the Left would object. Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument.

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