Thursday, December 22, 2011

Consistency: More Reasons To Elect Ron Paul has yet another article on why Ron Paul is unelectable by Debra Saunders. She concludes:

He has picked up support on niche issues -- on the far right, his pledge to shutter the Transportation Security Administration; on the left, his supportive rhetoric on accused Wiki-leaker Bradley Manning. Paul has won support ranging from Timothy Leary's backyard in 1988 to traditional-values Iowans in 2011. He has core values. Alas, he has no middle.

But this is why Ron Paul should be considered and is also why Ron Paul is gaining, even if ultimately she's right. Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument. Ron Paul is simply being consistent. The reason this country is split over issues such as the War on Drugs or the assassination of an American citizen is because Government creates the Culture War in order to grow itself, and more and more people are beginning to see that.

Take, for example, a close friend, who will remain nameless. A year ago she would have argued for government's right to go get drug dealers by illegally searching homes at the cost of the Fourth Amendment. Recently, we watched PBS's program on Prohibition. She now sees that government simply grows because of people's willingness to give up freedom and liberty so that the government may fix some social problem. Of course, as we saw during Prohibition, government doesn't solve the problem, but only makes it worse and growing government to solve the bigger mess it keeps making. A spiraling problem if ever there was one.

This is precisely why more and more Americans are seeing Ron Paul as a viable candidate. For instance, she says,

Those views seemed extreme in 1988. They seem extreme now -- and are almost certain to make Paul unelectable in November. This is why I have not considered Paul to be a serious candidate.

So what views is she talking about?
Paul's platform also called for abolishing the income tax, dismantling the Internal Revenue Service and demolishing the post office.

WOW! Abolishing the Income Tax and IRS is radical? If Americans had to write their own check instead of their companies confiscating it for them, there would be another Revolution today. Yet, somehow, something that even Rush Limbaugh has argued in this direction to one degree or another is now "radical". Yet the only reason the Federal Government is able to become the Leviathan it is is through the Income Tax! Simply because Debra refuses to re-examine her inconsistent beliefs and Traditions is hardly a reason to maintain them. She is part of the thinking of the Ruling Elite that desires the culture war to perpetuate. After 24 years, I can now see, with Ron Paul, these perpetual wars are designed to never end, but only to grow government. It also seems to me that more and more Conservatives see their own inconsistencies and desire to move in the "radical" direction.

I have to wonder. If Debra lived during the American Revolution, would the views of someone who said, "Give me liberty or give me death." been too radical for her?

In conclusion, Ron Paul supporters are just Constitution loving people, who are waking up to their own inconsistencies. They are waking up to the fact we have been duped by the culture war into thinking we have to take one side or the other as if there was no other alternative. We are waking up to the fact that those two alternatives have been enshrined in such a manner as to give us the same candidates every 2-4-6 years, whether they be for central planning on the Right or the Left.

As my brother says, "America's Third Way, not Left, not Right, but America's Third Way."

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