Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What Is Money?

Wouldn't the world be better if we just got rid of money?

Look in your wallet at your money! What is it? It is a representation of your labor! A means for you to store your hard work in your pocket.

Without money there is no means to calculate profit and loss. A business's profit or loss is how you control society. It's how you decide who will succeed and who will fail. You (all of us) possess that power! With our money we can remove any business we hate and keep the ones we love. The ones who serve us the best get our money, and the ones who fail to serve us disappear.

Money is the means by which the people's choice is exact. It has no politics, just constant fulfilled choice. Money is the ultimate democracy. It is our means of voting every single day.

Money is our means of exchange. Each exchange making both parties more wealthy.

Money is a means to set prices. To have the whole of society decide on everything's worth.

Without money there is no society.

Want a world with no money? Then you want to grow your own food, make your own clothes, build your own shelter.

Even the communist (which is not supposed to have money) could not survive its short 80 years without it.

I hold my money with pride! It represents my intelligence, my hard work, my talent. The money I make represents the value I bring to others. How well I serve society.

The more medicine I make, burgers I flip, cars I sell, houses I build, items I ring on the register , people I heal, tires I change, clothes I fold, toilets I fix, floors I clean, planes I fly,......the more money I make!

The more I serve others the more money I get.

Except where the state is involved, all people who make money, are serving mankind!

The richer someone is, the more he has served his fellow man.

It doesn't matter if he did it for that reason or not. In a free market, one must serve to get money.

The richer someone gets, the richer he makes others. If his incentive was to get rich, who cares? If the only means to do that is to make me richer, why would I want to stop that?

Why do we want to steal from the rich? The very people making us all more wealthy by serving us.

This wonderful phenomenon, and all liberals can think to do is steal from them! Remove their incentive to make us all more wealthy!

Before you speak out against capitalism you better understand what it is! You better understand economics and that capitalism is the reason you live in absolute wealth over societies without it.

Learn it! At
by Jim Fisher

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