Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy 100th Birthday to Milton Friedman

I realize that Friedman is not an Austrian economist, but his rebuttal to Donahue's assertions and assumptions are timeless.

1 comment:

  1. Priceless,
    Although today I disagree with Miltion on so many things, he is still a personal hero to me because of clips like these. He was so well spoken and could crush anti capitalists arguments with ease and simply understood arguments.
    I owe Milton for turning me into a Libertarian with the very first book I read on freedom, his famous "Free to choose".
    It was the book that taught me that all economy's are a mixture of command economics (the state) and free markets. And the percentage of free market over command dictates overall wealth.
    He could never make the leap to follow his own logic to completion like Rothbard could into Anarchy, but still a brilliant man.

    The biggest fault of Milton Freidman that literally undid all the good he accomplished was the plan to automatically remove taxes from your pay. He even called it his biggest blunder, and for that, we all lost more freedom than he gained us.
