Friday, May 10, 2013

How Much For Your Security

What if the good citizens of Massachusetts hire a security firm to prevent terrorist attacks in Boston?

We all got together and chipped in equal money and paid the best private security firm we could find?

Then the bombing in Boston happens!

What would we good citizens do?

We would likely fire them, or at least judge their performance accordingly and take the best plan going forward.

Maybe that means hire a different firm? Maybe we demand a refund due to failure?
Maybe we review their techniques and find out why the failure happened?

What we would not do is instantly give them a raise and more power to interrupt our lives.

Yet this is exactly how government services work.

When they fail, unlike a private market business, their failure means they didn't have enough of our money. They didn't have enough power and right to invade our privacy and civil rights.

So they must now get more powerful, invade more civil rights, take more of our money.

This is the difference between getting your services from the state or the market.

Where the market service must serve you to your exact desire or you shit can them, the state reserved the right to fail in serving you and tell you it's your fault for not giving them enough power and money!

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