Rule driven behavior vs Profit driven behavior.
Often people think we need government bureaucracies like the FDA or EPA
because we can't have just profit driving decisions on how business
behaves. We must instead have rules driving their behavior as well.
Were it not for these agencies, the profit motive would be a destructive force.
Examine this closely. What is profit driven behavior? It is business
figuring out what people will pay for. Meaning it is what people in
society actually want.
People think that a drug company would
sell snake oil as a cure for cancer for profit and so we need the rules
of an FDA to prevent this. These evil companies must have a rule driven
watchdog to stop them from selling us snake oil.
If there was no FDA, would there be companies doing this? Would these companies survive.
Were there no FDA, would you blindly buy any cancer drug? Or would you perhaps do a little research?
Profit driven behavior means the companies who best serve society survive, while the snake oils disappear due to no profit.
Rule driven behavior means a bureaucrat decides what drugs are available to you, not society's actual preference.
There is a different way....America's 3rd way....
Rule driven behavior vs Profit driven behavior.
Often people think we need government bureaucracies like the FDA or EPA because we can't have just profit driving decisions on how business behaves. We must instead have rules driving their behavior as well.
Were it not for these agencies, the profit motive would be a destructive force.
Examine this closely. What is profit driven behavior? It is business figuring out what people will pay for. Meaning it is what people in society actually want.
People think that a drug company would sell snake oil as a cure for cancer for profit and so we need the rules of an FDA to prevent this. These evil companies must have a rule driven watchdog to stop them from selling us snake oil.
If there was no FDA, would there be companies doing this? Would these companies survive.
Were there no FDA, would you blindly buy any cancer drug? Or would you perhaps do a little research?
Profit driven behavior means the companies who best serve society survive, while the snake oils disappear due to no profit.
Rule driven behavior means a bureaucrat decides what drugs are available to you, not society's actual preference.
There is a different way....America's 3rd way....
Often people think we need government bureaucracies like the FDA or EPA because we can't have just profit driving decisions on how business behaves. We must instead have rules driving their behavior as well.
Were it not for these agencies, the profit motive would be a destructive force.
Examine this closely. What is profit driven behavior? It is business figuring out what people will pay for. Meaning it is what people in society actually want.
People think that a drug company would sell snake oil as a cure for cancer for profit and so we need the rules of an FDA to prevent this. These evil companies must have a rule driven watchdog to stop them from selling us snake oil.
If there was no FDA, would there be companies doing this? Would these companies survive.
Were there no FDA, would you blindly buy any cancer drug? Or would you perhaps do a little research?
Profit driven behavior means the companies who best serve society survive, while the snake oils disappear due to no profit.
Rule driven behavior means a bureaucrat decides what drugs are available to you, not society's actual preference.
There is a different way....America's 3rd way....
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