"Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs, in the long run, we're all dead"- John Maynard Keynes.
Who is Keynes? He is the man who rewrote rational economics with his "General Theory" and destroyed a science for the majority.
His General theory is nothing more than garble and spit up contradictions, but he did something other economist did not think of. He told governments exactly what they wanted to hear.
That they could spend their way to prosperity. When the economy slows and unemployment is high, just get the aggregate demand going again and everything will be okay.
He destroyed 100s of years of progress by economists. Not that their information is not there. It still is, and many of us know where to find it. But trying to overcome the forces of the state when it gets this new tool of a supposed economic science which is telling them to spend more is almost impossible.
Most economic text books use Keynes as the foundation. So most of our economists today are trained in this false science.
This is one of the reasons why the Fed gets away with printing so much money and stealing your savings. They say they have science telling them to increase spending and aggregate demand.
Any rational person understands you can't spend your way to being richer. That saving will always increase wealth while spending decreases it. It's 2 year old smarts. But Keynes convinced a whole system into a lie.
It wasn't through some evil Genius that he did it. It wasn't some master plan. It was simple.
Governments steal and spend anyway. That's how they work. They must steal and spend to exist. So the first person, who was able to make an attempt at justifying this as a good backed by science, would be a hero to the states around the world.
Back to the Keynes quote?
This was his response when people asked him about the obvious affects of spending in the long term. If we always spend to fix the economy and create debt, then the debt will hurt the economy and makes us spend more to help it.
What about the long term Mr Keynes? Wouldn't this just be a cycle downward?
His answer?
"In the long run, we're all dead."
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