Friday, April 18, 2014

Americans Called Terrorists by Reid
Senator Harry Reid has done exactly as I predicted the state would do. He is naming people like myself a Terrorist. He has called the heroic Americans that stood up to Federal tyranny, Domestic Terrorists.

The Federal government has literally bankrupted 52 of 53 ranchers in this Nevada area dispute, and they are after the last man standing, who refuses to leave. People flocked to help their fellow American, and the state slaps the label of terrorist on them.

You may think this is no big deal. It's just name calling, and it's like calling someone a Nazi. The problem is that this is far from true. Once they label someone terrorist, a whole new set of unConstitutional laws now apply. They will hold you indefinitely without trial, even murder you, once this label has been applied. Its not accidental that Reid, the one of the most corrupt of all politicians, who is working with the Chinese to put solar farms on land in Nevada, called the Rancher a "Terrorist". Although, it must be known that the Solar Project was cancelled due to the inability to find customers (read here).

If your not following this story, I am begging you to take 5 minutes a day to keep yourself informed. I am literally begging you.

Listen to what Harry Reid says about them. Then go to You Tube and watch the actual videos and read Bundy's side of the story and the government's.

Read it from both the conventional media (who barely cover this huge story), and also read it from alternative media like Benn Swann's web site or Info Wars or Drudge report. Look at the difference in coverage. One is state propaganda, and the other actually has real videos and eyewitness accounts from the actual Ranch.

I truly believe this story may end up as the shot heard around the world, and it is ever so important you know the truth about what is happening!

--Jim Fisher

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